"No one down here but the F.B.I.'s most unwanted." (Pilot) |
"So... who did you tick off to get stuck with this detail, Scully? " (Pilot) |
"Now there's a credential... rewriting Einstein." (Pilot) |
"That's why they put the I in FBI." (Pilot) |
"You gotta love this place. Everyday's like Halloween." (Pilot) |
(Mulder knocks on Scully's motel room door."Who is it?"--Scully ) |
"Steven Speilberg." (Pilot) [submitted by Caroline!] |
"So what did you make of Uncle Fester down the block?" (Deep Throat) |
"Let's just say this case has a...distinct smell to it. A certain...paranormal bouquet." (Deep Throat) |
"Sometimes the need to mess with their minds outweighs the millstone of humiliation." (Squeeze) |
"Do you think I'm spooky?" (Squeeze) |
"Is there any way I can get it off my fingers quickly without betraying my cool exterior?" (Squeeze) |
"How can an 8 year old boy be a threat to national security? And people call me paranoid." (Conduit) |
"Who me!? I'm Mister Congeniality." (Conduit) |
"I want to believe." (Conduit) |
"You won't find too many people at their bosses' grave who aren't dancing on it." (Shadows) |
"Do you know how difficult it is to fake your own death? Only one man pulled it off: ELVIS." (Shadows) |
"I would never lie; I willingly participate in a campaign of misinformation." (Shadows) |
"I'm a pain in the ass to work with." (Ghost in the Machine) |
"Before any of you pass judgment, please keep in mind that we are in the Arctic." (Ice) |
"Hear that noise, Scully? Hammer and nails...They're building a gallow in the town square." (Fallen Angel) |
"Back off, I'm a Federal Agent." (Eve) |
"Yeah, that's one of the luxuries to hunting down aliens and genetic mutants. You rarely get to press charges." (Fire) |
"It was five hours of Boggs channeling. After 3 hours, I asked him to summon up the soul of Jimi Hendrix and requested 'All Along The Watchtower'." (Beyond The Sea) |
"The Addams family finds religion..." (Gender Bender) |
"I tied up an air phone for three hours. I don't speak Japanese, but I think some businessman told me to stick a piece of sushi where the sun don't shine." (E.B.E.) |
"Wait, this is the part when they bring out Elvis." (Miracle Man) |
"I think I saw some of these people at Woodstock" (Miracle Man) [submitted by SYDNEY!] |
"I'm not delusional, Scully!" (Miracle Man) |
"Well, they told me that even though my deodorant is made for a woman, it's strong enough for a man." (Shapes) |
"I want to believe." (Shapes) |
"Come on Scully, it'll be a nice trip to the forest." (Darkness Falls) |
"...And I said it would be a nice trip to the forest." (Darkness Falls) |
"You can get the next mutant." (Tooms) |
"I don't think they will be performing this experiment on Beckman's World." (Roland) |
"My mother usually wants me home before the street lights come out..." (The Erlenmeyer Flask) [submitted by Caroline!] |
"You know sometimes it just gets hard to smile when they ask you to bend down and grab your ankles, you know?" (The Host) |
"What's my next punishment? Scrubbing the bathroom floors with a toothbrush?" (The Host) |
"It looks like I'm going to have to tell Skinner his suspect is a giant bloodsucking worm after all." (The Host) |
"He's probably one of those people that thinks Elvis is dead..." (Blood) |
(Vampire to Mulder: "Do you want to live forever?") |
"Not if drawstring pants come back in style" (3) [submitted by ChewyMel] |
"In another couple of hours...they'll be no escaping the sun, son." (3) |
"I didn't check into a hotel room. I don't sleep anymore." (3) |
"Scully, you're not going to believe this..." (Red Museum) |
"Looks like the sperm posse just arrived." (Red Museum) |
"You know, for a holy man you've got quite a knack for pissing people off" (Red Museum) |
"Are you saying the building's haunted? Because if you are, I think you've been working with me too long, Scully." (Excelsis Dei) |
"It might be a good week to take that paid vacation your boss owes you." (Irrisistible) [submitted by ChewyMel] |
"Well, some people collect salt and pepper shakers; fetishists collect dead things, fingernails and hair. No one knows why. Though I've never understood salt and pepper shakers myself." (Irresistible) |
"Did you really think that you could call up the Devil and ask him to behave?" (Die Hand Die Verletzt) |
"Got to wonder about a country where even the President has to worry about drive-by shootings." (Colony) |
"Next thing you know, they'll be doing it on MTV Sports." (Fearful Symmetry) |
(Dr. Blockhead to Mulder: "For instance did you know that through the protected Chinese practice of Teu Beuchon you can train your testicles to draw up into your abdomen?") |
"Oh, I'm doing that as we speak" (Humbug) [submitted by ChewyMel] |
"It's more comfortable than a futon." (Humbug) |
"I can't wait for the wake." (Humbug) |
"I could be mistaken. Maybe it was another bald headed, jigsaw puzzled tattooed naked guy I saw." (Humbug) |
"We're exhuming...your potato." (Humbug) |
"I'm not really in the mood for the three stooges." (Anasazi) |
"I must be running a fever. Maybe it's the threat of being burned at the stake." (Anasazi) |
"I'm at the Betty Ford Center. Where are you?" (Anasazi) |
"I think I'd like to try door number one, Monty." (Paper Clip) |
"Now can you make me a little cherub that squirts water?" (D.P.O.) [submitted by ChewyMel] |
"Mr. Yappi, read this thought." (Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose) |
"If coincidences are just coincidences, why do they feel so contrived?" (Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose) |
"If my Miss. Manners serves me right, that protrusion from his left cornea is a salad fork." (Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose) |
"It's not yet the finely detailed insanity that you've come to expect from me, it's just a theory." (2Shy) |
"Sometimes the only response to an insane world is insanity." (The Walk) |
"I didn't get his name, I was too busy getting my ass kicked." (Nisei) |
"Either we're dealing with a psychotic religious fanatic who's hell bent on exposing these kinds of frauds, or a less pragmatic psycho who harbours a murderous resentment towards the church, or maybe it's just a... uh... very disgruntled altar boy." (Revelations) |
"Yeah, looks like Kevin was abducted by Homer Simpson's evil twin." (Revelations) |
"It's the end of the world as we know it. Right." (Revelations) |
"Just because I work for the federal government, it doesn't make me an expert on cockroaches." (War of the Coprophages) |
"Crap..." (War of the Coprophages) |
"I just wasn't sure if your short stubby legs could reach the pedals." (Syzygy) [submitted by jennifer!] |
"We are but visitors on this rock, hurtling through time and space at sixty-six thousand miles an hour, tethered to a burning sphere by an invisible force in an unfathomable universe. This most of us take for granted, while refusing to believe these forces have any more effect on us than cheese on macaroni." (Syzygy) |
"Well I wouldn't want to disappoint you by not disappointing you." (Grotesque) |
"I bet I know ten to one what this guy has stacked on the back of his toilet." (Pusher) |
"Think I get the Playboy channel?" (Pusher) |
"Personally, if someone digs me up in 1000 years, I hope there's a curse on them, too." (Teso Dos Bichos) |
"All I know is television does not make a previously sane man go out and kill five people thinking they're all the same person. Not even 'Must-See TV' can do that." (Wetwired) |
"So why would she stab her boyfriend through the ear? The magic was gone?" (Unruhe) |
"There's something rotten in Mayberry." (Home) |
"Uh, that was a little bit too Chuck Bronson for me, Scully." (Home) |
"Elvis is dead!" (Home) [submitted by Brett E. Sine] |
"There's a Michael Jackson joke in here somewhere but I can't quite find it." (Teliko) |
" Off to water the seeds of doubt..." (Teliko) |
"Does this tell you anything about anything?" (Teliko) |
"You'd be surprized at what I believe, Sir." (Teliko) |
(Scully to Mulder: "What was she doing in here, Mulder?") |
"Probably not taxes"(Sanguinarium) [submitted by SAL] |
"I'm helping him detail." (Paper Hearts) |
"You're an invertebrate scum sucker whose moral dipstick is about two drops short of bone dry." (Tunguska) |
"Spectral figures are not often known to leave fingerprints. Casper never did." (Kaddish) |
"So your refusing an assignment based on the adventures of 'Moose and Squirrel'?" (Never Again) |
"Welcome back. You look alot better than you did in the hospital. And congratulations for making a personal appearance in the X-Files for a second time, a world record." (Never Again) |
"On the other hand, how evolved can a man be who drives a Dodge Dart?" (Leonard Betts) |
"I..uh..I stole these from some guy with a broken leg down the hall. He..uh, won't be able to catch me." (Memento Mori) |
"Pick out something black and sexy and prepare to do some funky poaching." (Memento Mori) |
"You mean there's no procedure outlined for an invisible assassin?" (Unrequited) |
"Hey, Scully. You here to spring me from the joint?" (Max) |
"More people are trying to get their hands on this thing than a Tickle-Me Elmo doll." (Max) |
" 'Although common sense may rule out the possibility of time travel, the laws of quantum physics certainly do not.' In case you forgot, that's from your graduate thesis. You were a lot more open-minded when you were a youngster." (Synchrony) |
"Take your best shot, Scully, but I think there's more going on here than Luke Skywalker and his lightsaber." (Small Potatoes) |
"Level Four Clearance. That means I get to dine at the officer's club?" (Redux I) |
"You should've mentioned that at the hospital when you were hauling my ass off." (Redux II) |
"Please tell me you're here with severe chest pains." (Redux II) |
"One sorry son-of-a-bitch speaking..." (Redux II) |
"Have your Father say a few 'Hail Mulders' for me, ok?" (Redux II) |
"Unfortunately around this time of year I always develop a severe hemoroidal condition." (Detour) |
"Who cut the cheese?" (Detour) |
"PAR-TAAAY!" (Detour) |
"Try any of that Tailhook crap on me Scully and I'll kick your ass." (Detour) |
(Scully to Mulder: "Ever thought seriously about dying?" ) |
"Yeah, once, when I was at the ice capades." (Detour) |
"Scully, do you think it's too soon to get my own 1-900 number?" (Post-Modern Prometheus) |
"I'm alarmed that you would reduce these people to a stereotype. Not everybody dreams to get on Jerry Springer." (Post-Modern Prometheus) |
"NOT a place you want to burn a guy." (Post-Modern Prometheus) |
"I'll be back..." (Emily) |
"I'm going to take a wild stab here and guess...THIS... is a clue." (Kitsunegari) |
"Is it possible that he took the term 'mud pie' literally?" (Schizogeny) |
"Ich Bin Ein Auslander: I am an outsider. You know when Kennedy told the Germans 'Ich Bin Ein Berliner' he was actually saying 'I am a�cocktail sausage'?" (Schizogeny) |
"Short of looking for a lady with a pointy hat riding a broomstick, I think you've pretty much got it covered up there." (Chinga) |
"You didn't find a talking doll, did you Scully?...I would suggest that you should ckeck the back of the doll for a.. a... plastic ring with a string on it. That would be my first... <click> Hello?" (Chinga) |
"DANA?!? He never even knew your first name!" (Bad Blood) |
"Sheriff, do you have an old cemetery in town, off the beaten path, the creepier the better?" (Bad Blood) |
"Who's the black private dick who's a sex machine with all the chicks? Shaft! Can ya dig it? They say this cat Shaft is a bad mutha- shut yo mouth! I'm talkin' bout Shaft!" (Bad Blood) |
(Scully to Mulder: "Actually Mulder, you look constipated") |
"That would make sense, I've had my head up my rear end for the last five years" (Patient X) [submitted by Brenda!] |
"One more anal-probing, gyro-pyro levitating ecoplasm alien anti-matter story and I'm gonna take out my gun and shoot somebody." (Patient X) |
"Look, Scully... I know you don't... really want my help on this, but can I offer my... professional opinion? You got a bona-fide super-crazy religious wacko on your hands..." (All Souls) |
"You know, they say when you talk to God it's prayer, but when God talks to you it's... schizophrenia." (All Souls) |
"Is this the Pepsi Challenge?" (Pine Bluff Varient) |
"I must have done something to piss him off. Get stuck with this jerk-off assignment. Or have I finally reached that 'magical' point in my career where every time somebody sees bigfoot or the Virgin Mary on a tortilla, I get called out of my basement ward to offer my special insight on the matter." (Folie a Deux) |
"Five years together, Scully...You *must* have seen this coming." (Folie a Deux) |
"Next time I'll wear a clown suit and do balloon tricks." (The Beginning) |
"What does it take? For this thing to come up and bite you on the ass?" (The Beginning) |
"The sun will rise in America tomorrow regardless of whether or not we're at yet another farm investigating yet another enormous pile of doo doo. We'll be in and out in a day, nobody has to know." (Drive) |
"You stop movin' you die? (To himself) I think I saw this movie." (Drive) |
"I can think of something else I'd like to call you. I could put "mister" in front of that, too if you'd like." (Drive) |
(Scully: (On cell phone) "Mulder, are you okay?") |
"Yeah, aside from terminal cell phone withdrawal. That and I have to pee." (Drive) |
"You can relax. There's no war going on. The world is at peace. There's a little trouble over at our White House, but that'll blow over. So to speak." (Triangle) |
"It's okay. The war's over. Let them take you to Germany. They make nice cars." (Triangle) |
"Same to you, Adolf!" (Triangle) |
"You come out on the side of history with no small amount of help from us. Not much to apologize for over the next 50 years. Except maybe the Spice Girls." (Triangle) |
('39 Spender: "What is the man's name?!") |
"John Brown. Ask me again, I'll knock you down." |
('39 Spender: "What's his name?!") |
"Puddintame. Ask me again, and I'll tell you the same." (Triangle) |
"I was expecting a left." (Triangle) |
(Morris' daughter Chris to Mulder: "I hate you! I wish you were dead!") |
"Well, my work here is done. Have a nice day." (Dreamland I) |
"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Johnny Cash." (Dreamland I) |
"No, I'm Mulder. I really Mulder. I switched bodies, places, identities, with this man Morris Fletcher, the man that you think is Mulder, but he's not. Of course, you don't believe me. Why was I expecting anything different? All right, your full name is Dana Katherine Scully. You're badge number is...Hell, I don't know what your badge number is! Your mother's name is Margret. Your brother's name is Bill, Jr., he's in the Navy, and he hates me! Lately for lunch, you've been having this 6 oz. cup of yogurt, plain yogurt, into which you stir some bee pollen, because you're on some kind of bee pollen kick, even though I tell you you're a scientist, and you should know better!" (Dreamland I) |
"Hey Grandma Top Gun, will you shut the hell up?!" (Dreamland II) |
"You don't look too happy. Don't tell me I'm gonna have to put 2 kids through school?" (Dreamland II) |
"If I kill him is it murder or suicide?" (Dreamland II) [submitted by JULIE!] |
"I guess you were right, Scully. Just another crackpot who watches too much Star Trek." (Dreamland II) |
(Scully to Mulder: "I see. The dark, gothic manor the, uh, omnipresent low fog hugging the thicket of overgrowth. Wait...is that a hound I hear baying out on the moors?") |
"No. Actually that was a left cheek sneak." (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas) |
"Hey, you have a gun, right? Rationally, you've been in much more dangerous situations." (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas) |
(doing a great Elvis) "We want to see the king." (Rain King) |
"I'm telling you, that cow had my name on it." (Rain King) |
"I'll build the ark, you gather the animals." (Rain King) |
"Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful." (SR 819) |
"Hey, Scully, maybe if we get really lucky next time they'll let us clean toilet bowls." (Tithonus) |
"Hi. My name is Fox Mulder. We used to sit next to each other at the FBI." (Tithonus) |
"Hey, Homegirl, word up." (Two Fathers) |
"I'm ready to J-O-B just not on some jagoff shoeshine tip." (Two Fathers) |
"There must be some kind of mistake. I signed up for the aromatherapy treatment." (One Son) |
X-Pert D-Bunker |
Quotes of Ms. Scully's attempts at Mulder |
"Am I to understand you want me to *debunk* the X-Files project, Sir?" (Pilot) |
"What I find fantastic is the notion that there are answers beyond the realm of science.The answers are there, you just have to know where to look." (Pilot) |
"Come on! You're saying that time just disappeared? Time can't disappear! It's a universal invariant!" (Pilot) |
"You're SERIOUS!?!" (Pilot) |
"Mulder, did you see their eyes? If I were that stoned...." (Deep Throat) |
"Mulder, you could have shown that kid a picture of a flying hamburger and he would have told you that's exactly what he saw..." (Deep Throat) |
"Mulder, YOU'RE CRAZY!" (Deep Throat) |
"Psychokinesis? You mean how Carrie got even at the prom?" (Shadows) |
"Mulder, it's science fiction!" (Young at Heart) |
"Sometimes looking for the extreme possibility makes you blind to the probable explanation in front of you..." (Born Again) |
"Those lights the driver saw may have been swamp gas...It's a natural phenomenon in which phosphane and methane rising from decaying organic matter ignite, creating globes of blue flame." (E.B.E.) |
"I think you give the government too much credit. I mean, the government can't control the deficit or manage crime, what makes you think they can plan and execute such an elaborate conspiracy?" (E.B.E.) |
"Those are the most paranoid people I have ever met. I don't know how you could think that what they say is remotely plausible." (E.B.E.) |
"A healer's greatest magic lies in the patient's willingness to believe. Imagine a miracle, and you're half way there." (Miracle Man) |
"Well, you're right about one thing...It's definitely not Big Foot." (Darkness Falls) |
"My instinct tells me that burial in cement is murder." (Tooms) |
"*Could've been* being the operative phrase..." (Born Again) |
"I'm warning you, if this is monkey pee, you're on your own." (The Erlenmeyer Flask) |
"Evidence is worthless if you're dead." (Little Green Men) |
"Based on this preliminary data, I have come to the following hypothesis..." (Firewalker) |
"Mulder, the fundamental building block of every organism known to man is carbon. From the smallest bacterium to the largest redwood tree." (Firewalker) |
"Mulder, mushrooms aren't medication. They taste good on hamburgers, but they don't raise the dead." (Excelsis Dei) |
"The FBI recently concluded a seven year study and found little or no evidence of the existence of occult conspiracies." (Die Hand Die Verletzt) |
"If the number of murders attributed to occult conspiracies were true, it would mean thousands of people killing tens of thousands of people a year...without any evidence. Without being exposed. It would be the greatest criminal conspiracy in the history of civilization." (Die Hand Die Verletzt) |
"Mulder, voodoo only works by instilling fear among its believers. You saw the way Bauvais tried to intimidate me. The power of suggestion is considerable, I'll admit...But this is no more magic than a pair of fuzzy dice." (Fresh Bones) |
"Many of the things I have seen have challenged my faith and my belief in an ordered universe. But this uncertainty has only strengthened my need to know, to understand, to apply reason to those things which seem to defy it. It was science that isolated the retrovirus Agent Mulder was exposed to, and science that allowed us to understand its behavior...and ultimately, it was science that saved Agent Mulder's life." (Endgame) |
"Let's just forget for the moment that there's no scientific theory to support it." (Soft Light) |
"I just came up with a sick theory, Mulder." (Our Town) |
"...I hope you're not thinking this has anything to do with government conspiracies or UFO's." (D.P.O.) |
"So, what? Are we supposed to charge him with assaulting a cellular phone?" (D.P.O.) [submitted by Sydney!] |
"I'm not one to readily believe in that kind of thing, and if I was I still wouldn't believe that story." (Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose) |
"I can't take you anywhere." (Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose) |
"Oh, so now you're psychic?" (Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose) |
"Yes, it looks like a fat little white Nazi stormtrooper, but that only proves my point." (Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose) |
"This guy is doing the same routine as the Stupendous Yappi. He's just using a different style." (Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose) |
"Well, reincarnation has always been a popular theory on death row, for obvious reasons." (The List) |
"Scorpions predigest their food outside of their body by regurgitating onto their prey but...I don't know too many scorpions who surf the internet." (2Shy) |
"From a dry skin sample you're concluding what? That he's some kind of fat-sucking vampire?" (2Shy) |
"I hate to say this Mulder, but I think you just ran out of credibility." (Oubliette) |
"Mulder, this is even hokier than the one they aired on the Fox network. You can't even see what they're operating on!" (Nisei) |
"Isn't a saint or a holy person just another term for someone abnormal?" (Revelations) |
"Mulder, I think the only thing more fortuitous than the emergence of life on this planet, is that through purely random laws of biological evolution, an intelligence as complex as ours ever emanated from it. The very idea of intelligent alien life is, at its most basic level, downright anti-Darwinian." (War of the Coprophages) |
"I'm not gonna ask you if you just said what I think you just said because I know what you just said." (War of the Coprophages) |
"I just hope you're not implying that you've come across a breed of killer cockroaches..." (War of the Coprophages) |
"Shut-up, Mulder." (Syzygy) |
"Inducing someone to buy a hair color is a little different than inducing them to drive into a speeding truck." (Pusher) |
"Please explain to me the scientific nature of The Whammy." (Pusher) |
"If Im right, this is one man who left his heart in San Francisco." (Hell Money) [submitted by Sydney!] |
"Mulder, YOU'RE NUTS!" (Jose Chung's From Outer Space) |
"Whatever extreme cases I have encountered, I have always viewed through the lens of science." (Avatar) |
"Like most kids, I was facinated by the idea. And the theory that during the glacial thaw 10,000 years ago, lakes were formed as land levels rose, trapping certain marine species. Some becoming extinct, but others adapting over the centuries to the desalinizing water...But then I grew up and became a scientist." (Quagmire) |
"They're fictional creatures, Mulder. Folktales born out of some collective fear of the unknown." (Quagmire) |
"You're so consumed by your personal vengeance against life, whether it be its inherent cruelties or its mysteries, that everything takes on a warped significance to fit your megalomaniacal cosmology." (Quagmire) |
"Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, just in contradiction to what we know of it" (Herrenvolk) |
"Mulder, not everything is a labyrinth of dark conspiracy.�And not everybody is...is plotting to deceive, inveigle and obfuscate." (Teliko) |
"Well, if it's that simple, why don't you put out an APB for someone riding a broom and wearing a tall black hat?" (Sanguinarium) |
"It makes perfect sense, Mulder. Admit it, you fell for it. Your Fortean event turned out to be nothing more than the oldest story in the world- 2 men, 1 woman, trouble." (El Mundo Gira) |
"Your contact, which is interesting in the context of science fiction, was, at least in my memory, recounting a poorly veiled synopsis of an episode of Rocky and Bullwinkle." (Never Again) |
"You're not suggesting that a headless body kicked its way out of a locked morgue freezer, are you?" (Leonard Betts) |
"Why do I think Darwin is rolling in his grave?" (Leonard Betts) |
"I don't know what happened to me. I have no clear recollection and I don't believe that these abductions are even abductions." (Memento Mori) |
"What was he wearing? A long black robe and carrying a scythe?" (Synchrony) |
"On behalf of all the women in the world, I doubt this has anything to do with consentual sex." (Small Potatoes) |
"Mulder, why can't you just go for the simple answer? With that blow to the head, the deputy might just as well identified McGruff the Crime Dog as his attacker!" (Small Potatoes) |
"I came here today, 4 years later, to report on the illegitimacy of Agent Mulder's work. That it is my scientific opinion that he became, over the course of these years, a victim. A victim of his own false hopes, and of his belief in the biggest of lies." (Gethsemane) |
"This is your holy grail, Mulder. Not mine." (Gethsemane) |
"I have proof. Against the men behind this. Of the lies that I believed. What I have here is proof undeniable that the men who gave me this disease were also behind the hoax, a plot designed to lead to Agent Mulder's demise and to my own, planned and executed by someone in this room. What I have here is scientific evidence." (Redux I) |
"And what would that be filed next to? The cockroach that ate Cincinnati?" (Detour) |
"Mothmen?? Really??" (Detour) |
"There has to be a scientific explanation for this..." (Detour) |
"Is there anything you don't believe in Mulder?" (Post-Modern Prometheus) |
"Sir, unless you want your scientific achievements to end up as a footnote on the Jerry Springer Show, I suggest that you make the time." (Post-Modern Prometheus) |
"I don't believe in fate...I think we have to choose our own path." (A Christmas Carol) |
"That's one hell of a plan, Mulder. The serial killer makes us believe that he's guilty in turn diverting the suspicion away from the real estate lady? Well, he had me going!" (Kitsunegari) |
"I don't think it's witchcraft Mulder, or sorcery. I had a look around and I don't see any evidence of anything that warrants that kind of suspicion." (Chinga) |
"You believe this load of crap???" (Kill Switch) |
"4:54 PM. Begin autopsy on white male, age 60. Who is arguably having a�worse time in Texas than I�am...Although not by much. Yee hah...Intestines, 860 grams, yadda yadda yadda. Stomach contents show... last meal close to the time of death. Consisting of... pizza. Topped with pepperoni, green peppers, mushrooms... mushrooms... that sounds really good." (Bad Blood) |
"Well, it's OBVIOUSLY not a vampire...Because they don't EXIST." (Bad Blood) |
"You're saying that I actually hit him... 2 times? And then he sort of flew at me like a flying squirrel..."--Scully (Bad Blood) |
"Mulder, it's not just me. Nobody in their right mind will ever believe that story." (Bad Blood) |
"Well...I guess I'm done here. You seem to have invalidated your own work. Have a nice life!" (Patient X) |
"Well, how else did she see? Bat-Vision?" (Mind's Eye) |
"Mulder, yes there is a scientific basis for what happened to me. I was exposed to a virus but as it turns out, Mulder, that virus is not what you thought. Look, I can't identify it, Mulder. I have run three separate tests- but I can tell you without a doubt that that virus' DNA and proteins are very much of this world...It attacks and destroys human cells but that is all it does Mulder. It creates nothing. Look, I don't like telling you this and I know that you don't want to hear it. Not that you can't question me and what I saw but what you can't question is the science. " (The Beginning) |
"Listen, Mulder, you told me that my science kept you honest. That it made you question your assumptions. That by it, I'd made you a whole person. If I change now... It wouldn't be right... or honest." (The Beginning) |
"Mulder, I'd just wanted to remind you that by not informing local PD we are in technical violation of state laws prohibiting contamination of a crime scene. (Mulder wanders off) Why do I bother?" (The Beginning) |
"So, Mulder, this supposed clandestine source who's contacted you. How do we know he's not just another crackpot who's encyclopedic knowledge of extraterrestrial life isn't derived exclusively from watching reruns of Star Trek?" (Dreamland I) |
"Mulder, you are acting bizarre!" (Dreamland I) |
"Am I out of my mind?! Mulder, you are out of your mind! What is up with you?! I'm thinking about having you examined for mental illness, or...or drug use, or maybe a massive head injury! This is an X File! Your life's work! Your crusade!" (Dreamland I) |
"Mulder, tell me you didn't call me out here on Christmas Eve to go ghost busting with you." (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas) |
"All right. I'm afraid...but it's an irrational fear." (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas) |
"I don't believe what you're saying! Mulder, I don't believe a word of it." (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas) |
"Mulder, that is not a rain dance. My Irish Aunt Olive has more Cherokee in her than Daryl Mootz. I mean, look at him, Mulder. Does that look like a man who can control the weather?" (Rain King) |
"Mulder, did they check you for head trauma?" (Rain King) |
"Mulder, there is no evidence of any creature here. Those organisms might just simply be waterborne parasites, but something from Jules Verne they are not. (Agua Mala) |